Sustainability Ambassador Program FAQs
Why does my supervisor need to approve my participation? What if they have questions?
The program is a professional development opportunity to be completed during working hours. As a result, your supervisor needs to be aware of and approve your participation. If your supervisor has questions or concerns we would be glad to speak to them. This program will need continued support from supervisors, and we want to understand their concerns.
I am not a full-time employee, are there other opportunities?
Yes. We suggest starting with the opportunities we post on the “Get Involved” tab of this website. Those include a new staff program focused on groups rather than individuals called the Green Workplace Program. As an individual, you may find events, workshops, or groups to join. For teaching and research staff, this website also has a tab called “Teaching and Research” with specific opportunities and resources for professional development.
How often is the program offered?
The program operates in cohorts that begin each year in the fall. Registration starts in late summer (July) and closes a week before the first training (September). If you miss the registration window and are interested in joining the program, please contact us so we can place you on our interest list. We will reach out when registration opens for the next cohort.
What if I can’t make the scheduled training times?
The application form includes a survey of times and days to gauge availability. Based on applicant responses, multiple training times will be offered for each module. Participants will also be allowed to miss one training module. Make-up opportunities are offered as well when multiple individuals miss a training module.
What happens at the training sessions and how many are there?

Trainings will be in a range of formats including presentations, tours, activities, panels, and discussions. You may be asked to complete brief pre-session assignments like prep questions or researching examples of department practices, to prepare for training. Outside work or not, you’ll attend a one-hour-long training each month. Each month will focus on a different sustainability topic, such as waste management, transportation, carbon pollution, responsible purchasing, etc.
There will be seven total trainings; three during the fall semester and four during the spring semester with the last one in April. Additionally, there will be optional opportunities such as project workshops, events, and make-up sessions throughout the program.
Are the training sessions in person or virtual?
The training sessions will be primarily in person and all on campus. One reason is to gain insights from touring campus facilities, hearing from a guest speaker, or trying a hands-on activity. The program may develop more online content and virtual options in the future. Virtual options and accommodations will be handled on a case-by-case basis.
Will I get any help on the project?
The Office of Sustainability will help you formulate a project and provide ongoing support from start to finish. If the project is focused on your department or a larger university audience, we will help you explore support. We will also offer opportunities to apply your skills to existing programs and events on campus, hosted by our office or others. We cannot guarantee funding but will help you explore funding opportunities based on need.
What is the timeline for the project?
Project workshops will be held in December and May to assist you with brainstorming ideas, completing proposals, and supporting other project needs. At a minimum, a project idea will be submitted by January and a project proposal will be submitted by June. Beyond these deadlines, timelines will vary from project to project, you may complete the project before May or after.
Final deliverables will be determined for each project and your project will be complete once these deliverables are submitted.
What does a good project look like?
The best way to see what good projects look like is to check out this list of example projects our ambassadors have been working on. In general, a project should be manageable in scale, address a sustainability need on campus, and influence others.
Completing (and Beyond)
How will I be recognized for completing the program?
Once you complete the program to become an ambassador, you will receive a certificate, a virtual mark (see right) that you can use on your email signature or a personal website, and you will be listed on the program website. You will also be invited to an annual recognition ceremony in the fall. Your supervisor will receive a letter acknowledging your success and thanking them for their support. Other potential recognition opportunities include news articles and program testimonies.

What happens once I complete the program, can I stay engaged?
We hope that Sustainability Ambassadors will continue to serve as liaisons and partners to the Office of Sustainability, and as peer educators for the campus. We will continue to send you communications to share within your work unit and other campus affiliations. You are invited to share news, successes, and challenges with us too so we may continue to highlight and support you. You will also receive invitations to participate in events and help with programs, or to connect with new ambassadors looking for advice.